As The World Grows Colder

It’s more important now than ever that you stay up

Dakota Malone
6 min readOct 3, 2017


I normally do what’s called a brain dump every morning to get my daily thoughts and anxieties out of my body and onto a computer. Today, I’m going to let my screen go black for 20 minutes on my medium post and share with you not only my process, but some possible truth bombs that some need to read. I’ve gotten really good feedback on my posts, and even if it just helps one person in that moment then it’s worthwhile. A little vulnerability never hurt, I’m not going to edit this from a point of erasing anything. I will go back through and clean it up however to make it presentable.

With Love,


We need to stay up because, long knows we’re headed downhill. It seems that over the past decade we’ve faced a period of economic growth, technological gains, and overall ok state of affairs. This goes without being said that in-between have been moments, events, and sustained periods where it feels like our worlds have com crashing down. I hope that my friends and family can take a minute to reflect on the meaning behind these tragedies however, and find some solace in them. I believe in a perspective. I think it’s important to learn how to reframe and understand that things in this world can always seem awful- which means that there’s a way to always make them seem good. I’ve been utilizing my low information diet technique i suggested a few blogs back; no news, no politics, nothing to look at that will make me feel like shit and change my perspective. The problem is lately that it’s been unrelenting for many of my friends an. In a time where everybody wants to display their opinion, I remain quiet. I also remain undisturbed. In a time where more disturbing events show up what seems daily, it’s going to take a paradigm shift to change the way the world manipulates us. We’re tripped, we’re stuck, and we’re headed downhill. None of that is to be ignored or disregarded- but it is something that people need to remain unaffected by. How?

Understand you have a choice. We all do. In fact, we have three choices at every single moment that dictates how we feel- and I encourage people to learn this practice if they want to thrive in an economic downturn because that’s exactly where we’re heading. If you thought it was bad in the past, you’re in for a surprise. I believe many of us won’t even see the way out, and that hurts me deeply. I want to save as many people as I can and I don’t want to be held back by any certain fear that prevents me from using my voice for good- instead of expressing it on an online forum.

Part of the vulnerability that comes with this is my jumbled thoughts, this is much different than an ordinary post. I let my hands type away without any concern just highlighting whatever will run across my mind. It isn’t something that’s meant to be polished or perfected at all. I like to practice and keep that in mind because that’s exactly who we are. Unpolished, and imperfect. We’re human beings, let’s stop acting like we go about our lives and live in wonder at every moment. Let’s also stop terrorizing each other and act like we have it so bad. I’ll say this again- life is about perspective. I don’t believe in splitting the difference- it’s not that we have to find some kind of middle ground. This is America after all- land of the free home of the brave. The brave people are the ones who get what they want; freedom. Many live here, but millions and millions of people are not brave enough to act and live a life suited for what America stands for.

Back to these three choices. We have the power to choose what we focus on. You can choose to think that massive hysteria and spreading the news is going to help and your opinion is going to change the way people act. OR you can choose to believe to life a life with action at the forefront of everything you do. Mass shootings are an action, and it needs to be met with action to counteract it. Not opinoin, not speculation, not conspiracy theories. We can no longer leave it in the hands of our government to take care of us, and all of has known this for years. This is our country and we need to start acting like it. I encourage all of those during hard times to focus on the important things WITH a noble perspective. Let’s focus on growing as a nation and givin to those that need help the most. This isn’t about aid, or evasion, or the lower class, or the upper class. Those are distractions.

The second thing we have a choice in is what each event means to us. I believe everyday that we wake up with an inherit purpose. For these same reason why people wake up miserable is the same reason that we are meant to do something more. Giving feels good because it’s what we’re meant to do. If you sit at home all day for countless days and do nothing but troll people on the internet- you’re going to have an incredibly warped and unformulated opinion on life not because that’s who you are but it’s where you’re looking from. I encourage everybody to take an elevation process and find 6–7 higher viewpoints to look at your perspectives from. A quick example- Behind every bad behavior is good intent. A human just trying to meet their needs. Nothing inherently wrong with that- until it’s done in a destructive way. Let’s take drinking alcohol- nothng bad about that. But when a person starts to binge drink because of their views on something- what’s really happening? Are they a bad person because they’re abusing alcohol? Not entirely. The reason why they started in the first place was because they drew conclusions on an event that gave them a negative perception, and triggered the habit. All they we’re trying to do was protect themselves. Well, if you keep diving deeper and deeper you’ll find people are able to find a deeper meaning to the event that caused them to start drinking and they’ll have such a new empowered meaning that they’ll be able to kick the habit entirely. Do that with you behavior- even if you don’t want to change.

The third thing that we have control over is what the hell we actually do about the meaning we have given something. This is where most people fail. We take an average amount of action, which gets reduced to generalized complaining and then the world keeps turning as our life gets seemingly worse and worse. The only solution as stated earlier is to take more action. Take whatever amount of action you think it’s going to take to create change and then multiply it by ten to get a more realistic number of what it will take. Can you see why we’re so backwards? It’s almost impossible for people to egt up and want to take action to change something when the outlet of social sharing is just so much easier. The action we end up taking is so little that it was all for nothing, making us feel much worse.

I pray and wish every single day that my friends and family begin to understand the power their choices have on the rest of the world. This is why it’s so important to keep your head up. No matter what we do, the negativity will ALWAYS be there- so not only do you have to trudge around it, we have to trudge around it for the rest of our lives. Nobody prepared us for this because we caused it to ourselves. We’re living in a world where those tat lack moral capabilities and any leadership skills are running the show- ad it’s only because we let them. I urge everybody to begin to take incremental steps to change their lives starting today, because it’s only going to get a lot more scary.

Stay Up.



Dakota Malone

Sustainability Entrepreneur | Documenting Life Thriving After Five Heart Surgeries