
How to utilize your body to jumpstart your day

Dakota Malone
4 min readOct 23, 2017

After a solid session going through my morning routine; I was on fire this morning. Not literally, but internally I felt like I could conquer anything and anyone. This was a particularly important moment for me because yesterday it rained all day and I was in a rather useless state for most of the day. I’m never one to go back and forth between good and bad days, in fact the bad ones are few and far between. Regardless, they happen and I knew going into today I needed a solid jumpstart.

I told myself last night that today would be amazing. In fact, it would be ten times better than what I just let myself go through all day. To do that, I knew I needed to extend my routine; going harder and pushing further than I usually do. It’s funny, because this is exactly what breaks barriers for me and allows me to step up my game to the next level. I’m somebody who will reframe everything; it’s the most important tool I could ever own. Bad days, when they’re happening, are never any fun. They usually involve a significant amount of pain, useless pondering, and feelings of loss. When I’m operating in this state.. I’m guaranteed a bad moment, but when I let this drag on all day I’m suffering. Once the bad day is over, that’s when I take action. Something about going to bed and being able to reset gives me new perspective- and I use it to my advantage.

Instead of jumping rope for a half hour I went for a run

Instead of doing 15 minutes of yoga I did 30 minutes

Instead of meditating I primed.

That shitty day yesterday reminded me that I never want to let that happen to myself willingly. I have control over my life, and outside of my fears and comfort zones lies my ability to be my truest self. This is the state that I crave everyday; the outlier mentality. I perform best being in a certain zone; we all do. Could you put a name to your zone where you just feel on fire? Have you ever experienced that at all? It’s important you do, because it’s going to set you up to be able to complete monumental tasks that were previously impossible- and the longer you can operate in that state.. the better your day becomes.

Remember, becoming resourceful comes first with the understanding that you don’t need anything else besides your wonderful brain in order to do this. You don’t need more money, more friends, more support, more this or that; you need you and a few decisions. One of my favorite exercises is one that involves breathing, movement, and commands. It’s called priming. I would like to show this to you with the belief that with this 20% of action you could take will bring you 80% closer to have a better day. That powerful.

Priming is the implicit memory effect in which exposure to a stimulus influences response to a later stimulus, according to Google. In basic terms, we set your body up to achieve a certain outcome through the building on feelings. I talk about feelings a lot, and it’s not just because I’m an emotional man. Feelings unlock states, states create our habits, and habits drive our life. It’s important to choose your feelings wisely, as it is the difference between a good or bad moment, day, month, year, and life.

I’m going to link you to a video. I suggest you bookmark it and save it for tomorrow morning when you first wake up. It’s about twenty minutes, and it’s a beautiful example of emotional priming. The process takes you through creating gratitude and embodying the experience rather than just logically thinking about it. If you do this correctly, you’ll be so emotionally primed that at the end you won’t know whether to smile or cry (I do both.)

This is going to leave you feeling recharged for pretty much the entire day, and more importantly will give you the edge you need to start your morning off correctly. It’s a process of commanding the things to come into your life rather than wishing or hoping. The reality is that with our bodies, we can create any outcome that we want with enough training. Imagine if you could do that everyday, for several emotions? What would your life look like if you could choose how to feel, and felt you had control over your day at all times? The obvious answer if your life would look AMAZING!!

Friends, my point is this: you do not need anything else to come into your life before you can start feeling blessed. You were given a heart that beats 100,000 times a day without any questions. That’s a gift. As long as it beats, you remain alive. Our time on earth is short; and I believe it should be celebrated every single day through helping others and growing. When we do a combination of all of these things- I promise your life will have an abundance of fulfillment in it. Make the commitment to get started down a better path. I hope this finds you well.

Thanks for reading! Clap it up if you’re going to try the exercise! As always, hit me up on all things social @ Noble_State and let me know your thoughts!!



Dakota Malone

Sustainability Entrepreneur | Documenting Life Thriving After Five Heart Surgeries